For three weeks you have discussed your book in your literature circle groups, but for your final assignment, you will be working on your own. Please post a comment about the book you read for class. Post a brief paragraph of 50-100 words about what you liked about the book or didn't like. Be specific. Did you like the main character, did you like the conflict he had to deal with, did you like the style of how the book was written? Be sure to explain why. If you didn't like something about the book, please explain that too. Don't give away the entire plot of the story or too many secrets, but tell enough so that it will inspire someone else to pick up this book or not. All E Block students should post a comment by Wednesday, November 10th.
Blog reviewing books for boys. I am hoping this blog will inspire my students to read more and maybe get them interested in writing their own reviews. It's called The Last Word because I usually like to read the last few words of a book, first, and I always like to have the last word when I am talking about books.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Literature Circle Assignment: E Block
For three weeks you have discussed your book in your literature circle groups, but for your final assignment, you will be working on your own. Please post a comment about the book you read for class. Post a brief paragraph of 50-100 words about what you liked about the book or didn't like. Be specific. Did you like the main character, did you like the conflict he had to deal with, did you like the style of how the book was written? Be sure to explain why. If you didn't like something about the book, please explain that too. Don't give away the entire plot of the story or too many secrets, but tell enough so that it will inspire someone else to pick up this book or not. All E Block students should post a comment by Wednesday, November 10th.
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I am posting a comment for E Block. I loved all these books!
ReplyDelete-Ms. Guiney
I read Where the Red Fern Grows. This is a great book about a boy from the Ozarks in Oklahoma and his dogs. Billy is a boy from Oklahoma who really wants some coon hunting dogs. He being a good old fashion boy he works hard for two years and he finally saves up the money. He walks 20 miles to the town and he gets the dogs. Billy then trains the dogs, Old Dan and Little Ann to be the best hunting dogs in Oklahoma. I loved the book it was very good. The end though was horribly sad. All in all if you want a great classic in American Literature this is your book.
ReplyDelete-Billy Curtis
That was Then, This is Now is a book about Mark and Bryon, two best friends. They have lived together throughout there life (even though they aren’t brothers). They always act like brother, though. Mark and Bryon are very much different. Throughout the book, Bryon goes through many changes. On the other hand Mark doesn’t change. Due to Bryon’s changing, in the end there is an excellent ending. Though the book sounds perfect, the climax is at the very end of the book. I wouldn’t suggest for you to read this book if you aren’t patient with reading.
ReplyDelete-dePaul Miller
Tangerine was a great book, however it was a little confusing. I liked this book because it was very exciting and fast paced and the more bad things that happened the easier it was for Erik Fisher and Arthur Bauer to get out of the trouble they cause. As the book continues you learn more about Paul Fisher’s past which clears up the confusion about how Paul becomes blind and why Erik acts the way he does. My least favorite part of the book was the conflict because it was between brothers which made it kind of sad. I would suggest this book to anyone looking for a good read.
ReplyDelete--Michael Devane
For our lit circle, I read the book Stand Tall, by Joan Bauer. Stand Tall is a book about 12-year-old Tree, who is 6-foot-3-inches tall. Tree's parents have just divorced, and Tree is having a hard time adjusting.The only person that he can really talk to about it is his Vietnam veteran grandpa, who just had his leg amputated. Then Tree meets Sophie one day at school. Sophie becomes a fast friend, and Tree really likes her. Just when Tree is starting to get used to the divorce, a flood ravages through the town. This part of the book shows how much Tree cares for his dog Bradley, and for Sophie. I would reccomend this book for anyone who likes a suspenseful story. The beginning is a bit slow, but it has a good ending.
ReplyDelete-Peter Keough
Tangerine was a well thought out book but it wasnt dicriptive about the secondary charactors and i really didnt enjoy the ending. Though I did enjoy many of the conflicts that happened between the book. The main charactors through out the book was paul the neglected brother and Eric the football star. He as in Erik is not a brother you want especially if you know what he will do to you. Paul on the other hand is paided attention to his legally blindness. Which he highly doesnt care and on the other and he will recieve chances to fix up his life and do what is good for him. On the other hand he is a great soccer goaliebut his mother and father dont care. But all and all I enjoyed the book.
ReplyDelete-Kayser Raei
I thought Tangerine by Edward Bloor is a great book . Although it had some confession parts all of the answers come in the end . This book is about a middle school boy who is legally blind named Paul who moves from Texas to Tangerine county in Florida. In Tangerine many where things happen . He has an older brother named Erik who is a good football player, but is very mysterious him and his friend Arthur do bad things, and Paul is one of the only ones that knows what is happening. Paul plays soccer but his parent don't care about that they care about Erik's football dream. I personally loved this book and if you are looking for a outside reading book this is a great one.
ReplyDelete-Jack Costello
I thought that Tangerine by Edward Bloor was a great book.Most of the book was great except for the end which was a little dry. The style that the the book is written is is like a journal so you feel and experience Paul's feelings as you go throughout the book. I thought that that style was really cool. I really liked the main character who's name is Paul Fisher. Paul is IEP [Legally Blind] and is a soccer player Tangerine Middle School. Paul had recently moved from Texas to a small town in Florida called Tangerine. His parents don't really care much about him, all they care about is his brother Erik and The Erik Fisher Football Dream. In the book, Erik and his friend Arthur are sneaking away at night and nobody knows why. What is their dark secret? Read Tangerine by Edward Bloor to find out.Overall, it was a great read. I would put it in Ms. Guiney's " Loved It" section.
ReplyDelete-Jake Thornton
I read Stand Tall for my literature circle book. I thought the book was in the middle of averege and great. The story started off slow. This book is about a boy that is 6 foot 3 inches named Tree, but he is only 12 years old.His parents got divorced when his second older brother went to collage. In this book Tree also must teach his grandpa how to walk again because he had surgury to have it amputated frown the vietnam war. At school he meets a girl named Sophie who is in eight grade. He soon finds that everyone is depending on him. I thought the book was okay. All in all, this a great book for classmates to read if they like real life problems in the story.
ReplyDelete- Aidan Brown is Cool
I read Tangerine. Tangerine was a good book but it didn't have that much information on some parts. Tangerine is about a book about a boy called Paul. He loves soccer and when his family and he move to Tangerine Florida he is excited to play for Lake Windsor High school. The only problem is that he is legally blind and can only see when he has glasses on. Paul's brother Eric is a star place kicker. The only think is that Eric is mean and put Paul through a lot of trouble in the story. I liked the book and it had an ok ending. To find more about Paul, Eric, and many more characters read the book Tangerine.
ReplyDeleteSorry miss Guiney the comment above was from Michael Acadipane.
ReplyDelete-Michael Arcadipane.
sorry again
I read Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. The book is very interesting. The main characters’ name is Billy who lives in the Ozark Mountains in Northeastern Oklahoma and he is in love with coon hounds. He loves them so much that he works for two years just to buy them. He then has to travel to town to get the dogs but the town is twenty miles away. But he doesn’t care and starts toward the town. He soon realizes its very different there compared to his home in the Ozark Mountains. When he gets back he then trains his dogs to be two of the best coon hunting dogs in the Southwest region. If you are looking for a joyful book though this book is not for you there is a death and a very sad, unpleasant ending to the book. Overall this book is very well written and a great book to read.
ReplyDelete- Joe Kelly
The book I read was Stand Tall. This book is about a boy named Tree who is 6 foot 3 inches in 7th grade. He has problems fitting in. His problems stop though, when a new girl named Sophie comes to his school. Sophie gets made fun of by the " popular girls". Tree and Sophie become friends and share advice with eachother. I really liked this book except for the ending which is not that exciting.
ReplyDeletethe comment above was charlie golden
ReplyDeleteOverall, I thought that Stand Tall was an alright book. The main character (Tree) in this story was certainly not the best. I felt like the whole story, he was always down on himself and he never looked at the good side of things. Although I know his parents just got a divorce, which is a tough thing to deal with, you need to get over things in life. The conflict in the story is Tree is getting made fun of a lot because of his height. I think it was a pretty good conflict because it revolves around our real lives today and this conflict unfortunately happens everyday. One thing I really enjoyed about this story was the way it was written. The narrator told the whole story, so it made it really clear and easy to understand. When it comes down to the end, this story wouldn't be the first book I would recommend but it would be up there.
ReplyDelete-Dan Whelan
I chose to read Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. It was a good book but not one of my favorites. It was about a boy named Billy who has an obsession with dog wanting. He is only ten and I'm sure we all had this obsession he had. Billy's however was really bad. Perhaps the worst I've ever known of. He lives in the Ozark Mountains in Oklahoma so he needs coon hounds.He wants two of them so he can go hunting for raccoons or "coons." The only problem is these type of dogs cost a lot of money. Billy leaves it up to his skill and determination to finally get the dogs he wants. Once he gets these dogs he trains them to hunt raccoons. The love between these dogs and Billy is amazing. Together the group goes on a lot of adventures and some rough times. Through there love for each other they get through most of the trouble. Read this great hunting, adventure story to find out all the things Billy does and goes through for his dogs.
ReplyDelete-Eric Murray
That was then, this is now was a great book mostly about these two best friends named Bryon and Mark. Its about these two boys who go through so many things together but towards the end Bryon does something that he will regret for the rest of his life. The ending was a little confusing but it was mostly sad for Bryon. All in all this book was great.
ReplyDelete*Gerry Zambelis is cool and awsome*
For my lit circle book I read Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. It is a great story about a boy named Billy and his two hunting coones Little Ann and Old Dan. Troughout the story Billy and his two dogs hunt in the ozark mountains of Oklahoma. Billy and his dogs are the best hunting team in the nation at the time. Billy has leadership skills to lead Old Dan with the brawns and Little Ann with the brains. As fame and fortune comes to Billy he discovers the mystical powers found only Where the Red Fern Grows. The book was filled with action and adventure so I would definatly recommend reading it.
ReplyDeleteBy David Bliss
I read the book where The Red Fern Grows. This was a great read that I thorouly enjoyed. It had great action scenes and the best discriptions I have ever read for this genre. The love the characters have for each other is so well written that you feel like the book is real and you are apart of the book. Let me just say that this book will warm your heart and break your heart. The begining and ending of the red fern are a little slow and dreary but paired with the rest of this novel it will not matter.
ReplyDeletesorry it is a little late ms.guiney
-will Elliott
I read That Was Then This is Now. I loved this book. I felt that it was full of emotion and action. The book was about two boys who lived in a tough part of town and their adventures and lives. These two best friends, Mark and Bryon, are just figuring out who they are becoming. Bryon seems to be getting more mature and compassionate. Mark seems to be going in the opposite way; he starts to get impulses to do bad things and can't distinguish right from wrong. Bryon realizes that they are growing apart and tries to stop it. But can he? If that wasn't enough, Bryon meets a girl he cares for(not a normal thing)and finds out the dangers of drugs. I liked every part of this book, except the end.
ReplyDeleteSorry this is late, Ms.Guiney
-Anthony Coletti
I read the great story: That was then this is now. The story is about two boys: Bryon and Mark who are the best of friends throughout their life. But when their friends and family change so does their friendship. As the two Great friends grow apart so does the people that are really close. .This story is great especially if you enjoyed the outsiders (both books are written by S.E. Hinton).
ReplyDeleteI am VERY sorry this is late,
-Pat Carolan
The lit circle book I read was Stand Tall it is abot a boy who faces many challenges. First of all he gets made fun of because he is 6 feet 3 inches in the 7th grade. Then he stinks up for this girl who is a new girl that is very weird. But he does something really nice at the end which i think should kepp him from getting made fun of. You're going to have to read the story to see what happened!I did not like the main character Tree. He was down on himself and thought he was bad at everything. I thought this book was OK, but i would still recomend it.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry this is late:(,
-Jack Loughnane