I finished The Maze Runner by James Dashner and I wasn't totally impressed. Actually, I was a little bored. I kept putting this book down and then I found myself skimming the page instead of reading each word-not a good sign! I feel like the author never really got me into the story- who is Thomas or Tommy or Tom- seriously everyone calling him something different was really annoying to me. I liked the character of Newt and I really liked Teresa, but felt like each character was so one-dimensional. I never learn anything about them, who they are, what they feel, who they love or need. They were like paper doll characters that this author just moved in place and told what to do. Are you getting that I really didn't like this book?
So I am very curious for your thoughts? Every boy I talk with seems to love this book as much, if not more than Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins ( I really don't get that). So please tell me what you love about this book? What made it such a good read? Am I missing something- did you like the characters? Could you relate to them better than I could? What is the deal with this book? Help me understand!
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