Hope everyone is enjoying summer and reading lots of books! I have been reading like crazy and each time I check a book off my list, I add another that I want to read...
Graceling by Kristin Cashore- Liked it!

Passage from Graceling (page 11):
"She practiced every day. She learned her own speed and her own explosive force. She learned the angle, position, and intensity of a killing blow versus a maiming blow. She learned how to disarm a man and how to break his leg, and how to twist his arm so severely that he would stop struggling and beg for release. She learned to fight with a sword and with knives and daggers. She was so fast and focused, so creative, she could find a way to beat a man senseless with both arms tied to her sides. Such was her Grace."
Graceling is an action packed and fairly fast paced novel about a young woman who is "graced" with a special power. "Graced" is what people call those who have two different colored eyes and possess specific gifts. Some gifts that graced ones could have are cooking, sewing, running, fighting, and in Katsa's case-killing! The story centers around Katsa and Po(a graced fighter -with a secret) trying to discover the truths behind a kidnapped grandfather, animals that have be tortured, and a king who seems a little too good to be true. I liked this book and found the action kept me engrossed in the story. I wanted to see what would happen next.
Interestingly, though, I didn't love the main character of Katsa. I much preferred the supporting character of Po- he was much more interesting and you want a happy ending to his story. Katsa was sort of boring after awhile- for she said the same things, felt the same things, and acted the same way throughout the story. It was Po that had me questioning what would happen next with him!
Warning: This is a love story- which totally took me by surprise! By page 50, the author, not so subtly, implies that Katsa is romantically intersted in Po. Let me quote rising 9th grader, JC Brassard with his summary of this book, "It's a romance with a lot of kiling." That about sums it up! I give it a B (JC gave it a B+)
If you liked Hunger Games, you will probably like Graceling (but I liked Hunger Games much better!)